Thursday, September 27, 2012

Journal 1: Packer Game

The Controversial Call

               Winning actually isn't the only thing was the perfect title to this piece, David Maraniss did a great job on this section. When he starts off the story he draws you in with a fact about the Packers that most people hadn't known nor did they pay any attention to it in the news prior to the game. In respect to the refs Maraniss doesn't blame the loss on them like everyone else here in Packer nation but onto Pete Carroll and Russell Wilson for the way they were only happy that they had won the game. He flipped the tables of what everyone saw but didn't pay attention to just as he did in the opening statement. I loved Maraniss' detail about how the game made him feel, how he couldn't sleep at night, allowing the readers to be at his same level of emotions. 

                I agree with what David Maraniss said. Personally I didn't watch the game but I think if you didn't watch it and have Twitter or Facebook you knew exactly what happened and the emotions felt by your closest friends. As for the refs, I agree in the fact it's not entirely their fault, they are college refs and definitely there's a reason they aren't at such a high level. The coach of Seattle and Russell Wilson could have shown more class and expressed their sympathy that they had won on such a bad call. I believe the Packers would do such a thing. Looking at the game from a different perspective is a good thing to do in this type of situation.  I think there shouldn't be pointing at the refs anymore because the NFL should know just what to do after a call made like that, they will lose fans which loses money and so forth. It will be a waiting game to see what happens after this game if things will start to see a change. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Disconnected Video Reflection

                Technology is a huge part in our lives in the 21st Century, watching that film made me wonder if I could possibly be that darning to go without a computer and texting for three weeks. The three students Kenny, Caitlin, and Chel made a great video reflecting how difficult school is without technology; yet, I feel as if it was exaggerated especially with the time period the movie was made in.

Video: Everybody Talks by Neon Trees

My First Post

Penguin Love
This is a test and nothing more.